Present continuous conditional


En las oraciones condicionales de tipo 2, puede emplearse la forma progresiva del "present conditional".

Proposición "if" Proposición principal
If + simple past present continuous conditional
If this thing happened that thing would be happening.


Esta construcción se emplea corrientemente en las oraciones condicionales de tipo 2. Expresa una acción o situación inacabada o en progreso, que es el resultado probable de una condición irreal.

  • I would be working in Italy if I spoke Italian. (Pero no sé italiano, así que no estoy trabajando en Italia)
  • She wouldn't be living with Jack if she lived with her parents. (Pero vive con Jack y no con sus padres).
  • You wouldn't be smiling if you knew the truth. (Pero sonríes porque no sabes la verdad.)

El "present continuous conditional"

El "present continuous conditional" de cualquier verbo está compuesto por tres elementos:
would + be + present participle
El "present participle" se forma añadiendo la terminación -ing a la raíz del verbo.

Sujeto + would + be + present participle
He would be staying
They would be going
To live: present continuous conditional
Afirmativa Negativa Interrogativa Interrogativa negativa
I would be living I wouldn't be living Would I be living? Wouldn't I be living?
You would be living You wouldn't be living Would you be living? Wouldn't you be living?
He would be living He wouldn't be living Would he be living? Wouldn't he be living?
She would be living She wouldn't be living Would she be living? Wouldn't she be living?
We would be living We wouldn't be living Would we be living? Wouldn't we be living?
They would be living They wouldn't be living Would they be living? Wouldn't they be living?